Introducing the Riverstone Green Team!

Introducing the Riverstone Green Team!

Call them the Green Team or call them the Plant Club or maybe something else! Whatever they choose to call themselves I call them amazing! This group of students is choosing to take time out of their lunch to help make their campus environment a happier healthier place.

It is very sunny and windy in the far southeast corner of campus, and the trees in that section are subject to harsh summer and winter conditions and the reduced vigor of the plants was starting to be become apparent. We all met at lunch to pull the weeds from the tree wells and install wood mulch. I showed a couple of upperclassmen how to prune water sprouts, suckers, crossing branches and deadwood. Then we watered heavily! Our summer protection plan is in place and we should have some much happier trees because of it. Stay tuned next fall to check out our winter protection plan with more mulching and trunk painting!!

Turf and weeds compete with the tree for water and nutrients.

Turf and weeds compete with the tree for water and nutrients.

